Once upon a time, there was a young man named Xiao Ming living in a small village. Xiao Ming was intelligent and hardworking, and he had a deep desire for wealth. One day, he heard a story about stocks that changed his life. In a distant city, there was a highly successful company known for manufacturing delicious chocolates. Everyone loved…

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Here are some examples of NFTs: Digital artwork, such as “Everydays: The First 5000 Days” by Beeple, which sold for $69 million at a Christie’s auction. Virtual real estate, such as plots of land in virtual worlds like Decentraland or The Sandbox. Sports collectibles, such as NBA Top Shot moments, which are digital highlight reels of basketball players that fans…

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A non-fungible token (NFT) is a digital asset that is unique and cannot be exchanged for another asset on a one-to-one basis. This is different from fungible assets, such as cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which are interchangeable with one another. NFTs are built on blockchain technology, which allows for a secure and transparent record of ownership and transaction history. This technology…

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A recession is a period of economic contraction characterized by a significant decline in economic activity. During a recession, there is a widespread decrease in spending, production, and employment, resulting in a decline in the overall economy. Typically, a recession is marked by a decline in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country or region for two consecutive quarters.…

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Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing is a type of investment strategy that considers the environmental, social, and governance factors of a company or organization in addition to financial performance. Environmental factors include a company’s impact on the environment, such as their carbon footprint or waste management practices. Social factors consider a company’s impact on society, including labor standards, community…

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Gross income is the total amount of income earned by an individual, business or organization before any deductions or taxes are taken out. It includes all sources of income, such as wages, salaries, tips, bonuses, commissions, interest, dividends, and rental income. Gross income is a measure of an entity’s economic activity and is used for tax purposes, financial reporting, and…

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